Friday, February 10, 2017

State of Green Biz 2017.  Really clean, easy to consume report providing about 10 summaries of trends in sustainable business practices.

State of Green Biz 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Sustainability ring has some revealed connections!  Social components must address the worker perspective.  People are the most important aspects of environment, economy, and society.  It's only logical then that healthy and safe work environments must play a role when evaluating sustainable practices and solutions in today's workplaces.

See:OSHA's take on Sustainability

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Website Do Over!

KYMS Consulting has a new look and feel for 2017.  Our outlook as always is positive, hopeful and open to change.  Very few of us, know what the future holds but KYMS Consulting is banking on synergy across and within sectors of energy, environment, economy, and education.  A Sustainable endgame that promotes a healthy and safe working environment and living environment.  We hope you envision it too!  Stay tuned.