Well it has been a while! I started out this blog early last year with every intention of adding my personal insights, sharing information, and promoting environmental awareness for sustainable living. So what happened? Well let's just say life happened. I expanded my immediate environment, adding to the local carbon footprint by welcoming home two adult children and their spouses. I acquired three additional grandchildren, all while being embedded in and acting as lead in a four generation deep household. I will also add that with our new administration many of the relevant issues in the environmental world I sought to stay abreast of were either in flux, being challenged, or targeted in some way as being 'OBAMA' sanctioned?
So where should I start? Go back in time and revisit a list of significant events for 2017? Pontificate for an audience of one, my personal opinions regarding the politics of choosing to step up environmental stewardship? Be future minded and offer a plan of discussion topics to tie in with newsworthy issues and events on environmental sustainability for 2018? Well I like the latter...no sense in ranting over spilled/rancid milk😃😄😄😄😄😄
So my first topic is this: Environmental Stewardship, who really cares? What are the views of those age 18-36 on what it means to be a environmental steward? Stay tuned. My class on Energy and Environment starts Monday and that will be the thought question of the day!
Meanwhile I leave you with this: Is the growth, cultivation, distribution of marijuana an environmentally sustainable practice?