Well I will start by saying it seems this will be an annual post! LOL! But I will shoot for quarterly! Last year was another year of growth! I am up to nine grandchildren having added granddaughter number 7 on December 14. KYMS Consulting was a bit sluggish but in my tenth year of operation I decided to go bold and create some additional DBAs that would allow me to more appropriately target market segments I wish to service. I'm in the process of revising my business plan, creating additional plans for the other businesses and building a strategy for creating generational wealth. There will be movement and increase.
Full time employment has been calling me as my debt load grows. While I desire to always have a business I can call my own, I may venture into full time teaching as a college professor. I am applying for a number of positions. I am also looking at engineering and management again since that is where I grew up. If a full time position as an instructor does not materialize then I may have to get back to those roots.
So enough of work and profession stuff. So much going on in the world. The POTUS has been impeached and is currently on trial letting his lawyers defend his actions through the greatest gas lighting of the American public I think I have ever seen! I am not a Trump fan. I gave him the benefit of doubt after he was elected, even prayed for his success! But I am now convinced there is nothing great or worthy of the position in him. Our creator I think must remind us through imperfect mankind that we need him in the mix when it comes to our governance. There is a warning for us in the Trump Administration...hope we figure it out before it is too late!
2020!!! I am old enough to remember it was just yesterday when I believed 2020 to be so far in the future as to be a goal for retirement, children on their own, house paid off, in love again. None of this is my current reality and yet the most important thing is.mine to own. I am a new creature in Jesus Christ through his saving grace. My heavenly father Jehovah is my provider, my victory, my peace! That is all that matters in 2020.
The birthday milestone of 56 is on the horizon, next week to be exact. I hope to see it God willing.
2019 ended with increase to my personal legacy. I am so blessed and pleased my God has chosen me to continue to be a part of the lives of all of my family but especially my grandchildren.
So happy 2020 my personal goal is to grow in the spirit according to Galatians 5:22.
Fruit of the Spirit!
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