Sunday, March 15, 2020


Ten years ago I started KYMS Consulting.  I also added to that DBA profile KYMS Engineering and Business Services.  Within a year I had begun teaching at the community college level and met my now friend and senior consultant Cash Sutton III.  We both are members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and both licensed professional engineers.  I share this because while this blog is attached to my business website and represents at this point more personal reflection rather than any associated with specific business interests or issues, I realize KYMS Consulting is who I am as a person and represents the values I hold dear!  Faith, Family, Friendship, Service and Community.  So if you happen upon this blog because you visited my website to find out more about KYMS Consulting for business purposes I am not some corporate entity far removed from the mission and vision of the work I seek or the services I offer.  I am the business!

I had a vision when I started  KYMS that I would live the values of the company.  I am conservative by nature, believe in environmental stewardship, taking care of what you have been blessed with, only using what you need, sharing and giving when and where required, serving and helping others.  I know I have lived and promoted these values and yet my company had not grown in way that indicated success through a multiplicity of satisfied customers and engaged partners or employees.  I set out to change that this year and had put a plan in action.

Which brings me to COVID-19!  We are living in interesting times.  I had planned workplace safety training for small or new business owners in the upcoming weeks but out of the abundance of caution had to cancel due to virus transmission concerns.  And no sooner than when that cancellation email was sent to the training venue, I get sick once again with a circulating cold bug.  With 5 children under the age of 9 in my household passing bugs is inevitable.  This is my third cold in as many months.  To top that off, LA County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County all have confirmed cases of the virus and have taken such precautions as to close primary schools, have college campuses go completely online for class lectures, reduce operating hours for public facilities and recommend cancelling large gatherings of 50 or more persons.  So for the next few weeks I will be assisting with homeschooling my grandchildren as well as taking the courses I teach fully online and implementing the social distancing recommended by our public health officials!

We must be reminded of the things we have been taught and have forgotten, and we must make sure we are teaching and informing on the important things of the day as well as the history that supports our abundance and our complacency.  COVID-19 is likely the result of research and experimentation that I hope had noble intentions.  However the US response to the threat of a now pandemic has been  mired in politics, arrogance, poor judgement, poor planning, and a lack of trust in what is being communicated.  Mis-information and dis-information is prevalent on social media.  Main stream media depending on what political party you identify with grapple with aligning to a uniform and consistent message.  One wonders if rational thinking will prevail in the chaos that seems to be looming.  Case in point...where is all the toilet paper!!!!  I don't understand why there has been a run on toilet paper and why I can't simply order online (with a future fulfillment date) even though local distribution centers are out of stock!!!! This does not make sense and we can do better.  I think I will start with lessons on improving the family hygiene practices...

Check out CDC for more information!COVID-19

OSHAs information on COVID-19

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